Package information |
catnat: Analyse neuronal morphology and connectivity (extends catmaid and nat) |
CATMAID APIFunctions to interact with CATMAID API. These typically build on the existing catmaid R package. |
Annotate CATMAID partners |
Get information on a CATMAID connector node |
Interactively upload neuron(s) to CATMAID |
Function used to delete single neurons from CATMAID based on a given skeleton ID |
Find the TODO tagged merge sites between a given neuron and the CATMAID database at large |
Get the CATMAID neuron ID that corresponds to the skeleton ID |
Get CATMAID server |
Find the location of specified tags for a CATMAID neuron |
Interactively choose to join neurons in CATMAID, visualising with rgl in R |
Programmatically join CATMAID skeletons |
Add synaptic links between connectors and treenodes |
Lock or unlock a CATMAID neuron reconstruction |
Get the UTC creation / edit time for a CATMAID node |
Meta-annotate CATMAID annotations |
Search for CATMAID skeletons within a volume |
Update radius information for tree nodes in a CATMAID instance |
Upload neuron(s) to CATMAID |
AutosegmentationConvenience functions for working with autosegmentation results |
Fetch the up or outgoing auto-traced FAFB fragments from a CATMAID FAFB neuron |
Use any CATMAID function in the v14-seg environment, without logging into separate CATMAID instance |
Log into the v14-seg CATMAID instance for FAFB v14 Adult flybrain segmented skeletonisations |
Get neuron volumes and stitch them into a cohesive neuron, or neuronal compartment |
Join free connectors in a CATMAID instance to skeletons if they share a Google Brainmaps volume |
Transfer information between v14 and v14-seg neurons |
Read neurons from the FAFB segmentation instance (temporary) |
Uncategorised functions |
Write alphashape as a .vtk file |
Segregate neurite compartments from a neuron/neuronlist based on synapse clustering |
Convert a 3D Kernel Density Estimate (package ks) into rgl mesh3d object |
Convert an alpha shape to a mesh3D object |
Give connector data in a CATMAID neuron the same attributes as node data |
Assign axon/dendrite split to skeletons |
Assign identity to lateral horn neurons |
Assign Strahler stream order to neurites |
Assign cell body side based on neuron name |
Average non-branching tracts |
Cluster synapses within a neuron's skeleton |
Cluster neurons by pre- and postsynapse positions |
Combine alphashapes generated by the alphashapes package |
Generate connectivity matrix |
Calculate a connectivity similarity score between two connectivity profiles |
Generate URLs to CATMAID connector location |
Get data tracers' contributions to skeletons |
Re-root neurons to their soma |
Create a skeleton from a skeletonised neuron saved as a .Nrrd file |
Create or update a googlesheet of randomised tracing targets for a given neuron |
Calculate geodesic distance from nodes to a neuron's axon-dendrite branchpoint |
Find how many downstream partners tracers have connected up |
Extract axonic/dendritic points/cable from a neuron/neuronlist |
Determine dendritic/axonal by calculating flow centrality |
Read Amira surface (aka HxSurface or HyperSurface) files into hxsurf object |
Fetch FlyCircuit neuron skeletons from the Taiwan FlyCircuit server |
Get 3D coordinates of synapse (not connector) positions |
Retrieving CATMAID neuron skeletons connected to query skeletons |
Calculate the cable length inside of different neuropils in a segmented .surf brain |
See neurons with chosen neuropils to determine their types |
Connect to a local CATMAID server |
Generate a neuroanatomical alpha shape from connector and/or tree node data |
Get the transformation matrix from the Morpho::mirror function |
Manually assign the dendrite and axon to a neuron |
Find out what is already known about a neuron's connectivity profile and connected FAFB segments |
Functions to assign and visualise microtubule rich and twig portions of a neuron |
Apply a transform to a neuron/neuronlist |
NBLAST two different sets of neurons forwards and backwards |
Segregate neurite compartments from a neuron/neuronlist |
Find neurites inside of an alphashape |
Jump from R into the L1 larval EM data in CATMAID |
Generate a connectivity matrix based on euclidean distance between points |
Find neurites inside of an mesh3d object |
Returns the primary neurite of a neuron |
Prune nodes from a catmaid neuron, keeping the synapses |
Prune neuron by splitting it at CATMAID tags |
Prune nodes from a neuron, keeping the root node |
Prune neuron within neuropil volume |
Prune a neuron interactively |
Prune a CATMAID neuron by removing segments with a given Strahler order |
Prune vertices from a CATMAID neuron, keeping the synapses |
Resample a CATMAID neuron |
Generate a dps object without dropping small neurons |
Scan through suggested pairs of neurons |
Plot neurons split up by synapse clusters |
Plot neurons split up by flow centrality |
Select neurons in space |
Select 3D points in space |
Calculate a connectivity similarity score between two connectivity profiles |
Shift neurons in space |
Sholl analysis on neuron skeletons |
Functions for retrieving soma data |
Get a subtree in a neuron object as a separate neuron object |
Plot a neuron with different coloured synapses depending on partners |
Get data and plots describing tracer activity statistics |
Transform the 3D vertices of an alphashape |
Update a local neuronlist with new CATMAID data |
Write ordered swc |