Generates an 'overlap matrix' of overlap scores between neurons in the 'neurons' and 'targets' pools. For every point in a given neuron in 'neurons', a distance score is calculated to every point in a neuron in 'targets'. The sum of this score is added to the final output matrix. The score is calculated as e(-d^2/2δ^2), where d is the euclidean distance between the two points, and δ is the expected distance in um that is considered 'close'.

overlap.connectivity.matrix(neurons, targets, neuropil = NULL,
  delta = 1)

overlap.connectivity.matrix.catmaid(neurons, targets, neuropil = NULL,
  delta = 1, split = FALSE, rval = c("score.matrix", "neuronlist"))



first set of neurons


second set of neurons


an as3d object of the neuropil in which to consider connectivity. Defaults to whole brain.


the distance (in um) at which a synapse might occur


with a CATMAID neuron, whether or not to split the neuron using flow centrality


whether to return an overlap score matrix or a neuronlist in which every point is given an overlap score against each of the target neurons


additional arguments passed to methods


a matrix of 3D points